Saving money on your grocery bill
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Saving money on your grocery bill

If you have not started clipping coupons yet ...

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Many people pass over the coupon pages of the Sunday newspaper without even giving it a thought. If you found a dollar bill located inside the pages you wouldn't throw that away would you? This is what is happening week after week, month after month all over America. You should at least thumb through the pages to see if there are any coupons for the regular brands of items you use. Many times a month brand name items are completely free just for the know how of using scissors. There are huge amounts of buy one get one free items each week as well.

If you have not started clipping coupons yet, you should at least keep an open mind to it, as it is a great way to fill up your cart for less.

If you do not have the time every week to organize and clip coupons, save them up in a file or drawer for when a super sale comes along, you will be glad you did. Say that you saw your favorite sour cream on sale for $1.19 in a grocery flyer. You remember that you also have a 50 cents off coupon in the drawer. This means that your favorite sour cream that normally runs $1.79 just found its way to your refrigerator for only 19 cents. It really adds up over the whole year.

How did you get one dollar off when the coupon was only worth fifty cents? It is the power of doubling. Stores normally double the face value of any coupon up to fifty cents. A 75 cent coupon would just get the 25 cent increase in value making it worth one dollar as well. Anything over one dollar would just redeem at the face value.

Most stores have a super double or triple coupon day for extra savings. In most areas, super double is the doubling of a coupon up to one dollar making it worth two dollars. The store may even end up paying you a few cents to try an item when they have these sales. Triple coupon days normally work the same as every day doublers. The value is tripled up to fifty cents making a fifty cent coupon worth $1.50, and a twenty five cent coupon would now be worth seventy five cents.

So before you send those coupons to the recycling bin take a moment to at least toss it in a drawer for a later date. You will be pleasingly surprised at how it feels to pay less of the hard earned money you have on groceries. (don)
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