Reduce the money you spend on groceries
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Reduce the money you spend on groceries

Skip the delivery boy by planning your meals ...

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How many trips to the grocery store do you make in a week? How many times do you look at the clock, only to realize that not only did you forget to take anything out for dinner, but you also have to be somewhere in an hour? Most people make two to three trips to the store a week for items they don’t have on hand for dinner; others are dialing the local pizza shop for delivery because they aren’t prepared for dinnertime.

There is a way to be more prepared for the dinner hour, stop making impromptu trips to the store or having the pizza delivery guy know your house by the sound of your voice on the phone. You can start planning your meals in advance and you will save not only time and money on grocery shopping, but you will also save money on gas as well. Planning menus in advance doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may sound. Most items you probably have already on hand (usually called staples, like rice, flour, soups, etc.) and you can build your menus around those.

Pick easy and fast recipes and shop for only the ingredients you need. If you come across a couple of recipes that use similar ingredients, you can stock up on those items and know that they will get used for dinner that week. You should also check the weekly grocery store ads as well. Don’t buy something even if it’s on sale unless you are going to use it in your menu planning. If any of the recipes call for items you will have left over from the dinner before, then you can save even more money by using up your leftovers instead of buying more or extra. Taking the time to plan your meals will also help you save money on impulse shopping and fast food when you are in a hurry. (don)
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