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Porias Finance Magazine

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Some chosen articles
The Rent-to-Own Trap
You see a TV set at the rent-to-own center that you like. It's a big-screen version, complete with high-definition capabilities and a remote … more
Category: Finances
How can I eliminate my debt?
For most people, the best way to reduce debt is a three-pronged program: 1. Reduce expenses. 2. Increase income. 3. Pay off each bill one by … more
Category: Finances
Which mortgage is better?
Which is better? An adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), fixed rate mortage (FRM) or a hybrid of the two? Adjustable rate mortgages start out with … more
Category: Financing
Saving money on your grocery bill
Many people pass over the coupon pages of the Sunday newspaper without even giving it a thought. If you found a dollar bill … more
Category: Finances
Lower credit card interest rate
With every credit card you get you have an interest rate. Your interest rate determines how much the credit card … more
Category: Credit Cards
Leave home without credit cards
For Joe, the power of suggestion is an awesome thing. Or perhaps he just watches too much television. Whatever it … more
Category: Credit Cards
The federal reserve and interest rates
The Federal Reserve, often referred to as the "Fed," is the central banking system of the U.S. It is made … more
Category: Finances
Tips for the smart investor
Investing is one of those things that often sounds quite a bit more difficult and mysterious than it actually is, … more
Category: Investing
The importance of a balanced portfolio
Everyone has heard the old advice to never put all your eggs in one basket, and that adage is certainly … more
Category: Investing
Credit card interest rates
And finally, we need to talk about interest rates. We left interest rates for the end because interest is the … more
Category: Credit Cards
Creditors and collection agencies
Put simply, creditors are the people or companies that you owe. Creditors are lenders who extend a line of credit … more
Category: Financing
Secured Credit Cards
Secured credit cards are for people who have poor or no credit. The bank that issues your secure credit card … more
Category: Credit Cards
Credit Card Basics
You no doubt know the basics about credit cards. You get to buy stuff now and pay later. We're going … more
Category: Credit Cards
Credit Score
Reading and interpreting credit reports can be time-consuming. In fact, most lenders have decided that they don’t want to do … more
Category: Financing
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